Sunday, August 31, 2008

How To Increase Yor Dogs Lifespan


Dog Food Secrets WILL increase the life of your dog!
If you are like me, your dog is like a member of the family.
Why wouldn't you do everything in your power to keep your pet happy anf healthy.

Anything To Do With Dogs!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Dog Nutrition information

Understand Your Dogs Nutritional Requirements

I know how much you love your dog. And I know you want to take care of your canine friend the best way possible. Am I right? Then how would you like to instantly become an expert in dog nutrition? Learn the 6 major food components essential for dog health, and understand what percentage of each, your dog should be eating and where to get them. This alone will result in a well balanced, happy dog.

You can easily feed your dog for maximum health and vitality, with the same scientific precision horse-breeders feed their million-dollar thoroughbreds. And quickly calculate the perfect-portions for your dog if you have colder than usual winters, hotter than usual summers, or if your dog is still a pup or overweight. Keeping them intop condition all year long!

The calorie requirements of a dog change many times over its life-time. So if you are not prepared your dog becomes life-threateningly obese or dangerously underweight. You will discover exactly how to calculate calorie requirement for your dog for maximum health.

Learn how to care for a dog that has been neutered, pregnant, breast feeding, up in age, or a "working dog". Each condition requires special attention during that period in their life.

Where to find the best source of phosphorous, vitamins A and B, essential for optimal organ function. The best grains to feed your dog. The leanest types of high-quality protein for building muscle (not what you think!), so your dog can be powerful but lean. The best vitamin packed fruit snacks, and so much more!

And you will also learn the 20 foods you should never feed your dog! I must confess, I am guilty of feeding my dog an occasional grape now and then...but not anymore!! I think you will find this to be a great informative read. And I'm glad to say that your dog will benefit from it when you start to impliment some of the practices listed.


Dog Food Nutrition Research

Dog Food Nutrition Investigation - Research Dogs Health

Dog Food SECRETS™ is your survival-guide to a healthier, happier dog that lives up to 8.3 years longer than dogs whose owners feed them only commercial dog food, and don't follow the comprehensive steps outlined for people to follow.

It's been documented that dogs fed exclusively on specific, well-balanced, calorie-controlled, home-made recipes, and follow the same principles of nutrition & calorie control, your pet can truly live up to 8.3 years longer. (That's like you living for an extra 57-years after statistics predict you should be dead!)

A Must Read If You Care About Your Dog!!

Discover the 3 deadly, cancer-causing, organ damaging preservatives to look for in the ingredients of commercial dog food, which were banned from human food years ago!

Understand The 4 Percentage-Rules rules which govern how dog food companies must list their ingredients.

Discover the disgraceful truth about dog foods labeled as "premium," "superpremium" and even, "ultra-premium" or "gourmet".

Find out what the terms 'Natural' and 'Organic' really mean when you see them on dog food packaging.

The 1 small word that makes the difference between your dog eating dead pets, road kill and diseased animals OR NOT.

Witness the dog food industry's sinister 'Protein-Scam' exposed with all it's ugliness and learn how to detect it in seconds.

Dog food companies heartlessly exploit loophole which allows them to add a very cheap form of protein that has almost zero nutritional value to a dog.

You may be disgusted after reading this! But it will be woth it, if you still have the chance to save your dog from an early death.


Calories For Your Dog

Calorie Requirements For Dogs - What To Feed Your Dog

If you seen the results from several canned dog food investigations, you may have decided that you can do a better job feeding your dog food that you have prepared for them. But feeding a balanced diet may be harder to calculate than you may think. Let me give you a few things to consider before taking on this huge responsibility.

How much is too much? When it comes to keeping your dog fit and not overweight, you will need to consider how much you need to feed your dog. It all comes down to calories...the same way it is for the rest of us. In order for us to maintain our weight,and not gain pounds, we have to stick with the correct calorie recommendations for our body type, and size.

This is the same guideline we need to follow with our own dog. The average calorie requirement is 30 calories per pound of body weight per day to maintain their current body weight. A smaller active dog under 20 pounds can use up to 40 calories per pound per day. While a large dog over 50 pounds can get by with as little as 20 calories per pound per day.

But there are many factors to consider when determining the right amount of caloric intake for your dog. Inactive dogs or neutered dog in hot climates require less calories, while a working dog, herding dog, or one that spends the majority of their day outside may require above the average amount of calories.

Your dogs individual metabolism, exercise, age, environment and overall health will all help to determine what your dog really needs to remain lean and healthy. If your dog is overweight, increase his exercise, and decrease the calorie intake. A good rule of thumb would be to keep their calories at 60% of the normal requirement.

A complete chart of the "Caloric Requirements" for dogs based on these various well as recommendations for feeding your dog a balanced diet can be found when following the link below. It may surprise you when you see what food is good for your dog, and what food you should NEVER feed your dog.


Adult Dog | Nutritional Requirements

Dogs Basic Nutrients - Keeping Your Dog Healthy

We all know that no two people are exactly the same. Well, the same goes for our canine friend. No two dogs are the same, as well. And the nutritional needs of your dog can vary the same way your own nutritional needs change over the years.

The various stages of a dogs life necessitate changing requirements. Although, all dogs require minimum quantities of six basic nutrients: Proteins , Fats, Carbohydrates , Minerals , Vitamins and Water .

Proteins are made up of amino acids, known as the building blocks that form thousands of different proteins, each with a specific function Every different amino acid configuration corresponds to a different protein, including enzymes, hormones, genes, red blood cells, hair, skin, bone and muscle.

Fats are saturated or polyunsaturated, but your dog is in need of both. Together, they form the essential fatty acids (EFA's) necessary for good health. Fat deficiencies could result in a dull coat, delayed healing of wounds, lack of energy, heart problems, and more.

Carbohydrates comprise a large group of compounds which include all sugars and starches that provide energy and a source of bulk in their diet. Carbs should make up no more than 50% of a dog's balanced diet, with 2 - 5% from fiber. Carb deficiencies can result in possible fertility and whelping problems, while too many carbohydrates cause obesity.

Minerals are found in all foods, but no single food contains everything needed in the proper balance for good nutrition. Mineral needs for dogs include calcium, potassium, phosphorous, sodium, magnesium. sulphur and in trace elements, iron, copper, zinc, manganese, iodine, cobalt, and selenium. Deficiencies in the different minerals have different results.

Vitamins are also found in all foods, but no one food can provide all the essential vitamins. There are two types of vitamins, water soluble and fat soluble. Dog foods contain vitamin and mineral supplements in balanced quantities. But too much or too little of one mineral may interfere with absorption of another or with vitamin use.

Water should always be available to your dog at all times. Hopefully always a bowl of fresh water! A dog loses water daily in urine and feces, through exercise, panting, and to a limited extent, through sweating from the pads on its paws. Dogs can suffer irreversible body dehydration and damage if water is unavailable for over 48 hours.

As you can see "Basic Nutrients" are a very important part of a dogs good health! But there is much more to realize and understand when it comes to keeping your dog in good health. Follow the link below to get more information. Your dog will be glad you did!


Thursday, August 28, 2008

What Dog Food Companys Didn't Tell You

What's In The Dog Food You're Feeding Your Dog

The heavy advertising done by the big name dog food companies are intended to gain your trust, and make you believe they care about you and your dog. But as they are taking your hard-earned money with one hand they are passing you a deadly, nutritionally inadequate, dog-killing cocktail with the other!

That may be a pretty strong statement, but your dog food is filled with preservatives, known to inflict on our innocent dogs, horrendous diseases like multiple cancers, kidney failure, liver failure, immune system collapse and many more heartless ways to die.

Add to their menu processed fecal matter of other dead animals, road kill, the decaying carcasses of dead dogs, cats, zoo animals and animal control, the deadly poison, Sodium Pentobarbital, (used to kill the animals already mentioned) by lethal injection, as well as pet collars, flea collars, ID tags, plastic bags and more!!

If you continue to feed your dog exclusively on commercial pet food, you are dooming them to a painful, traumatic death - an innocent death! And now that you know the truth, you too can be held responsible if you do nothing about it.

So, what's the solution...there has to be a solution...there has to be something we can do for our pets!

If you want to save your dog from the horrific death suffered by hundreds of other dogs in your local area, probably in the last year alone, then you MUST follow these 3 steps:

Step 1 - Stop using commercial dog food as your dog's only or main source of food. This step is the most important and you should make the change in the next couple of days.

Step 2 - Learn how to read commercial dog food labels. It's not practical for most people to never use commercial dog food ever again. Although not best case, you can use it sparingly for maybe a few meals during the week.

Step 3 - Get some healthy, well-balanced dog food recipes and start feeding your dog home made food. I have a huge collection I'm happy to share with you. It's very easy, if you know how to cook specifically for dogs. Just cook a large batch, freeze it and it can be eaten over several days.

NOTE: Be sure you have a good source of recipes written especially for dogs because they have very specific requirements, different to humans. It's possible to love your dog to death with too much of the wrong foods. So first do your homework.

Anything To Do With Dogs!!